Monday, May 3, 2021

Episode #85: Love And Marriage, The Married With Children Version

A day late but not a dollar short. Today's post is brought to you by Sunday, whose first name isn't Billy, and by Monday, which is not the color Blue.

Believe it or not, I'm not flying on air, but this year I will be celebrating my 32nd year of wedded bliss.

When I'd first got married, computers weren't really that big of phenomena that they are today, cell/smart phones did not exist, and payphone calls were still a nickel.

Now, computers are splitting time with tablets, the cell phone is now a smartie phone, and if you can find a functioning pay phone, by golly you are BMOC (no matter what your gender may be).

Today's post features yet another successful fishing expedition to the archives of Cedar's Mountain. The post of choice is a little children's not-so-innocent views on the subject of marriage. From the very last post of December 2012, here is the post entitled Kids And Marriage

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Thirty-two years is something to be proud of!
    I haven't seen a pay phone in years...

    1. Thankee!

      I haven't seen a functioning one in decades, not sure if any are still around.

  2. 32 years! Holy moly! Guess she's stuck with you for life now, eh? LOL

    1. Actually, much longer. We began dating in 1987, so together for 34 years overall.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.