Sunday, December 6, 2020

Episode #63: Oopsie! Did I Forget That?

Well, as some people are want to say, that escalated quickly.

This past Friday (12/4), we had to get our furnace fixed. This necessitated the 75% emptying of my den so that the local gas company (massive TL;DR involved here) could do what needed to be done.

When the dust  cleared later in the afternoon, we had a very fully functioning furnace that heated properly both upper floors of our house.

Unfortunately, and as you can imagine, my lovely den is now completely FUBAR (to use the proper acronym). I was eventually able to carve a place reinstall my computer as well as re-hook a proper power source. But, this has left in a minor predicament.

Namely, doing hunt and peck typing, as I have no space for my keyboard. As you're probably aware, that kind of typing really bites the big one. And because of that, we decided to leave behind a link to a ye olden post from my first blog Cedar's Mountain: This post deals with CT's 2011 state budget, but if you change the year to 2020, the same taxation issues and lack of fiscal sanity still applies.

Tune in next week to see if things are back to normal, or if I'm still doing the old hunt and peck.

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Nothing worse than having to empty a room and then try to put it back together again. At least the furnace is working.

    1. Even worse, a room that still has stuff shuffled around so that the furnace could get fixed to begin with.

  2. Mate, at least the furnace is back into operation! :-)

    Greetings from London.

    1. This is definitely true. Thing is about 55+ years old and still banging away.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.