Monday, December 14, 2020

Episode #64: Time Has Not Come Today, But May Come Next Year

You can never stay mad when you have happy puppy dogs to look at every day {we have two Chihuahuas who I intermittently interact with on a daily basis in our house}.

Having said that, let's move on to the topic at hand.
Topic? Not writing or retirement again?
Wait...wut? Who are you? Why are you interrupting my blog post?
I'm your muse. I'm tired, I'm bored, so get over it.
I will not. Wait...wut? I still have a muse? I thought you moved on to greener and brighter pastures?
I did. I got bored. I need some excitement in my pedestrian life. So give me some excitement. Got it?
Wait...wut? I'm not required to give anyone any excitement these days. It's not my problem that you're bored.
Entertain me, or I might do something strange.
Strange? What can you possibly do that's stranger than all the stuff that you've done in the past ten years?
An evil sneer casually spreads across her face like the Chuckster's.
His jaw drops, then he quickly closes it and flashes her a very disgusted look.
She quickly flashes a "who me" look and blinks her eyes flirtatiously.

Fine. I'll entertain you with my wit. Just don't get any bright ideas about adding your two euros into the mix. Got it?
She smiles seductively, sits down in the comfy chair and swings her legs onto it provocatively. He facepalms for a good ten seconds, before dejectedly turning back to his computer.


Apparently my muse, who decided to waltz back into my life and be her usual demanding vivacious self, is bored with her current existence as it presently stands and thus wants to be "entertained". Otherwise, she may do something "strange". Considering that she's (yes, my muse is a she) been in my life for the better part of 10 years and knows all kinds of personal crap about me, I'm forced to take her threat very seriously.

As the blog title suggests, the topic of choice was about time, and how the adjustment to having all kinds of time on my hands is not necessarily a good thing to have. But because my muse has clearly stated that she wants to be entertained or suffer the consequences, I have no choice but to acquiesce to her demand. Problem is, how do you entertain a trusted companion who has been part and parcel to your very writing existence for the better part of 10+ years?

I mean, over the years....over the years....mmmm.....years.

Anyways narrows his focus at her time used to be, when I was dealing/working with the vivacious one, very much a premium. Between work and family, I basically had the writing equivalent of a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" with the vivacious one on the weekends. Yes, it meant that I only had time for her on the weekends, like as weekend fling, so to speak. I wined and dined, made her feel exceptionally special and that she was the most important person in my life.

Then, like the side chick she truly was, got record scratched until the next weekend, when we washed, rinsed and repeated. Life was indeed good for me, although not sure about her since who wants to be a perpetual side chick in a long term relationship?

Eventually, we parted ways, and while I found something else to squander my precious free time and move on, I'm not really sure what she wound up doing with her new acquired free time. I would hear rumors from time to time about some new adventure she was doing or some new boy toy she was busy wrapping around her fingers, but other than that, radio silence.

Fast forward to this year, specifically the latter part of 2020, when the aggravation of work was slowly and silently creeping into every other part of my life. I had already decided to get back into the swing of writing in 2021, but was trying to figure out how to work it in with the all the time suckage that work was presenting me with. Eventually the decision was made to retire, partly to get my sanity back but mostly just to start the next year fresh with minimal aggravation.

Thus, we now find ourselves with so much free time on our hands that we're now having problems trying to figure out which day is which. About the only way I've been able to keep track of the time is the various doctor appointments that I have coming up in the near future. So yeah, time blends a lot these days, which is probably why my muse decided to grace my world with her presence today.

God help us all.

Today's semi free-form post was brought to you by the phrase, "Facts don't care about your feelings." Because honestly, they don't, and the sooner that you realize this, the more that people will start to treat you like an adult.

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. I guess there is something to be said about structure. Although in a few years I will be quite willing to sacrifice that.

    1. I think deep down, we all crave some kind of structure. I think that's why some people don't do well with retirement. Me personally, I need all the structure I can get, no matter how man made it is.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.