Sunday, November 22, 2020

Episode #61: The Thrill Is Still Coming Into Focus

So basically this is what Cedar Mountain is pretty much looking like for mid-November: autumn is here and the trees are lonely, naked and aching to shower affection on some unsuspecting passerby.

My post work life {retirement} is starting to come into a clearer, if not quite sharper, focus these days.

Being the heavy procrastinator that I am long known to be on this blog {and to a lesser degree at work}, I knew in my retirement days that I would have to get up out of the chair and get my non-sexy butt in gear if I wanted to have the decent financial stability for my later years.

So that basically required me to write a thoughtful letter to my doctor {not my PCP but the one that is monitoring my current neuromuscular malady} and set up an appointment so that we're on the same page with my health issues. After playing some phone tag with the clinic and getting some clarification from the Retirement Services Division {note, they are one of three agencies, state and federal, that you should never, ever tick off. IRS and your local DMV being the others}, we're all now on the same page for paperwork being submitted.

On a lighter note, I got my issue resolved with saving a Google doc to somewhere else besides Google Drive. There is an option in which you can download the doc to roughly a half dozen other formats, which you can then save to other places, i.e. a USB flash drive. This will definitely give me another option to seriously consider when it comes to doing what kind of writing on which computer {Chromebook or Win7} in the coming months. Ya just gotta have options these days.

On a still even lighter note, well, hmmm...not sure if there's even a more lighter note to end this post on. Well, life is slowly becoming more manageable and more malleable, as I'm starting to put together a potential project list for 2021, which will be in conjunction with the writing projects that I'm looking to prioritize for 2021 as well.

As always, keep safe and keep sane for Thanksgiving, and make sure you celebrate it in the way that feels most comfortable for you. Because only you know what your comfort level is for this pandemic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Consider all the advice being thrown around, but ultimately, the final decision is yours {and no, I'm not endorsing one way or another. I have no right to tell you what to do, I can only present you with enough information so that you can make an informed choice}.

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Glad your ducks are finally lining up. I guess this week that would be turkeys though.
    Agree with you on that last thought!

    1. Turkey is usually a given in our house, although this year will probably be scaled down so not as much food. Should be interesting just the same.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.