Sunday, November 15, 2020

Episode #60: The Thrill Is Semi-Back

This pic just about sums up my feelings about the side of the political spectrum.

'Nuff said.

It's just another pleasant valley Sunday, albeit a little crispy, here in Connecticut. And in Connecticut is where I'm currently plying my trade as a double nickel early state government retiree {aka 55}. Currently, we're prepping ourself to call our other doctor to either 1} make an appointment or 2} depending on the day of the appointment, a fax number to send a letter and a blank medical report request that would need to be submitted in order to qualify for a disability retirement.

Yay me.

In other exciting news, we finished our short story that we had started back in mid April during the tail end of the "two week curve" to contain Covid19 {HA!!!!}. As per the norm, whenever I finish writing a story, I always try to save it in multiple places (e.g. C drive, USB stick), but apparently with Google docs, this is not a viable option.

So right now, if I want to continue working on old projects, I'll have to make sure that I have the most updated version on my flash drive, then go from there with automatic extension that ChromeOS has whenever you open a non-Google product; or boot up my Win7, work on my projects, then make sure to copy/paste at least once a week to my Chrome.

New projects though, will probably be done on Chrome. Food poisoning for thought, eh?


As as an old boss of mine use to say as her go-to phrase of frustration: "It's never simple!"

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Two weeks turned into not opening until we have a vaccine...
    I don't use Google Docs or Chrome. I just back up everything to an external hard drive.

    1. Our two weeks turned into two months, which turned into only "essential" workers being at the office/given permission to be at the office at any time of the day. When I had retired, they had started requiring people to be there a minimum of one full day per week.

      I'm getting used to Google docs and I was able to get an answer to my question in the help forum, so I'm gonna give that a try. Hopefully it will work and allow me to start back things up againg.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.