Sunday, November 8, 2020

Episode #59: I Are Ready To Do....New Things?

Hi-dee-ho everyone! Welcome to my little slice of suburbia, where opinions are given careful consideration before being stored for future muddying of the waters.

I actually gave some serious thought about commenting on the fiasco that will bring Harris/biden to the White House in January (yes, I know that technically biden was the official candidate, but we all know who will actually be finishing the term as a one and done, so 'nuff said the better), but since I've posted but three times in 11+ years about the national political scene, posting for a fourth would just make me go on a ginormous rant to prove my preference of saying Harris/biden, and I really don't feel like doing that just right now.

I could also go on about my home state of CT, but how many times can you talk about one party control w/o repeating yourself, especially since Democrats have things the way they want in Connecticut again, which is a veto proof majority and absolutely no need to engage the GOP for anything?

Instead, we'll talk about how yesterday got me feeling like our late dog Lucky in the picture there, just stylin', profilin' and chillin'. Yeah, it was just that kind of day yesterday (11/7), mid 70's, nice breeze and a good day to be alive.

So we're a week into our retirement and we've already got a strange routine down for a typical day: breakfast/goofing on the computer until 9-ish; going for a morning walk (minimum one hour); then vegging out watching YouTube until lunch; lather, rinse and repeat for the afternoon; followed by dinner and evening errands; and concluding with computer and YouTube. Oh and listening to a ton o' podcasts while on those walks.

You'll notice that I haven't said anything about writing yet. Well, with the exception of restarting this blog, I haven't found that happy space yet that I need to do any writing. My den has moved from work mode to non-work mode, which is a plus, but I haven't really found the energy/motivation to turn on my old computer to work on any of my partials. I have plugged it in from time to time to charge the battery and I have turned on at least twice to run virus scans (still have the anti-virus software for my Win7 from my ISP) but other than that, nothing.

Well, nothing except a short story that I had started working on about one month into our man-made global pandemic. It was pretty much the standard fare that now populates what few micro/flash fiction that I write: mixture of very dark horror (think Night Gallery on steroids) and the normal day-to-day activities that populate our existence, like work and family. Somehow, I managed to crank out just a shade under 4k words, with the bulk being writing in April and August.

I'm thinking of going back to that story in order so as to complete it, although I'm not sure if I really have to add anything to it. The point where I had left off at actually makes its own nifty little ending, so I definitely have some serious thinking to do to see if I want to leave it as is, or create a proper conclusion.

So this is what my post work life is like presently. My goal is to get back to serious writing in 2021, but who knows what the next two months will bring us. 

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Night Gallery on steroids - now that sounds intense.
    It's been a weird week. Give it time for the writing to kick back in.
    We won't talk about any political fiascos. They are what they are.

    1. I think being recently retired will save me from talking a lot about Tuesday. If I was at work, I believe the discussions would be seriously intense and partially censored (due to 3/4 of the building being hardcore Dems). Only play for me to talk about it is on FB, where things are still hyper-stupid.

      I'm going to start small with the writing and just work my way out from there.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.