Sunday, April 28, 2019

I Have Stories To Tell! Episode the 22nd

Girl howdy and howdy to the boy who always looks at his mistress with sad puppy-dogs eyes, and on the rare occasions that she acknowledges him with an evil smile and a twinkle in her eye, comes refreshingly alive and welcome to the skewered literary world of G.B. Miller, where naughtiness is the normal and civility is the abnormal, and what goes up surely won't ever come down.

I thought that for today I would take a crack at writing free form and see what comes out my fertile imagination. Especially since I don't have any topic of note to work on {yes, that includes the series on how "The Friendship Trilogy" came about}, which is directly due to the garbage that is work and the happy reality of having a daughter-in-law this coming September.

For those of you who have followed my blog ramblings for the past ten years this is the return of the 1st/2nd p.o.v. stream of consciousness. For those of you who are new here, here is a sample for you to peruse at your leisure. Note, the video in the post no longer exists in that form, but does exists here.

So my muse, {what, you haven't heard of a writer with a muse?} who I love dearly, is at the moment taking a extremely long vacation, soaking up the sun somewhere on the Gulf Coast. Perhaps you've seen her {got a problem with that?}: lithe, lightly muscular, hotter than a sensual Maxim model and has no qualms in delivering a ginormous ass whooping if you look at her sideways. She is the entity that was the end result of all the character/personality traits from all the people I've met in the past twenty years.

Anyways, my muse is resting up from the recent hubris that was "The Friendship Trilogy" {roughly two plus years of non-stop writing that actually halted when I decided to get book #2 ready for publication and thus came to a stop roughly halfway thru book #3}. Once I came to a stop, she stepped out from my tiny little brain and decided to offer her succinct opinion of this current project.
"Listen, I don't like where the plot to this trilogy is going."
Excuse me?
"I said, I don't like where this plot is going. Change it."
I think not.
She sat on my lap, crossed her legs and lightly ran a manicured fingernail down my cheek. "Are you dismissing my request?"
Shivering for a moment, I swallowed hard and said, Sorry, this basic plot is set in stone. Has been for for the past two and a half years.
She readjusted her position and continued to lightly stroke my cheek. "So, you're dismissing my request."
I shrank a little in my seat, swallowed hard again and said, For this particular story, yes I am dismissing your request.
She readjusted her position yet again and now was straddling my waist. Draping her arms over my shoulders, she purred, "This is so unlike you. How will you make this up to me?"
With a solitary tear running down my cheek, I swallowed very hard, and squeaked, I have a new character name that I want to use for another slushie novel that I want to revisit and rewrite. I promise that the outcome to that novel with be a complete 180 from this one.
She stared hard and deep into my eyes and it was all I could do keep myself screaming out in pain. After blowing out a long ring of smoke, she said, "I like the new name that you have chosen for me. You did good. I shall see you later in the year to help you finish your trilogy."
With that final statement, she got up and walked out of my den and into a waiting BMW convertible. As the car pulled away, I rolled my eyes back into my head, slid out of my chair and stayed in a fetal position for the rest of that week.

{c} 2019 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Yeah, I think she took off with my muse.
    Your son is getting married this fall?

    1. Let's hope your muse is having a good time with mine.

      Yes. He got engaged to his long-time GF this past November on her b'day at Rockefeller Center. It's going to be an very nice outdoor afternoon wedding.

  2. I have stories to tell, too. Your muse amuses me.

    Here from the IWSG. Have a great day.

    1. Thankee. I used to have lots of fun writing about the fantastic conversations that I would have my muse. Think I'll share a few more of those in the coming weeks.


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