Monday, September 30, 2024

Episode #242: We Haz Scribbles And Pictures!

The sun was looking especially inviting the day after the rainstorm the prior weekend to this post, so I took a few dozen steps inside for a few pics. Not quite Autumn in this part of New England yet.

This post will be a short two-fer, in that part one is a brief writing update, while part two will be linking up to my picture blog.

Here is part the 1st: the writing update.

Sometimes doing the most mundane things in life often can be the impetus to working out a satisfactory conclusion to a thorny issue. Which in this case is something that I've recently written about here a few weeks ago: a title. 

But, first things first. We are now into the home stretch of completing our four part lo-fantasy series, in that the final confrontation will be commencing very soon, which I hope will tie up at least a half dozen plot lines to a satisfactory conclusion.

We are currently sitting at 102 total chapters, of which 101 have been transcribed, totaling 494,751 words. Now before you act on the popular acronym of WTF?!, let me enlighten you on something: those chapters will be properly broken down to the appropriate volumes once I go through the initial round of edits, because there is no way that particular numbering will stay exactly like that. I may be a bit eccentric with my writing, but not that eccentric.

Now, onto the other issue, the title. As I hinted at, the mundane thing I was performing was one of my twice daily walks while listening to podcasts. Sometimes, when I'm listening to a topic that doesn't quite keep my short attention span occupied, my mind will wander about on the inside. That wandering about eventually came up with a base title for my series: Sister vs Sister.

Now I know it sounds cliche, but when you boil down all of the plotlines contained within, it basically comes out to two sisters, one that knows the other exists while the other doesn't know she has a sister, battling over the possession of one sister's husband.

So, this overall title actually completes my title search, as I had already come up with the titles for the remaining four books: The Kidnapping, The Campsite, The Retrieval I and the Retrieval II {although the last two are not quite set in stone just yet}.

And now for part the 2nd, pictures.

I've decided to make my picture blog into a bi-monthly occurrence, as it gives me something lighthearted and fun to do with all the pictures that I got hanging around on Google. This particular post deals with the theme of All Hallow's Eve, so I sincerely hope you take a short stroll over to my picture blog to check it out.

Pictures For Smarties!

{c} 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. From your peaceful photo, I'm guessing you live nowhere near the battle zone that is the remains of Hurricane Helene.

    1. No, sunny Connecticut. I sincerely hope you weren't impacted by Hurricane Helene last week.

  2. Not dwelling on a puzzle is often a way to work the problem subconsciously for me also. There are times I simply can not make a quick decision no matter what.

    Yeah, and reading comment above, so fortunate no one I know had a negative outcome to that storm. My old class mate sharing a name with the storm is ok but wishing she wasn't. I know so many family in that path too. Very lucky!
    Now off to fun pics land...
    Ev Johns /SnaggleTooth

    1. Absolutely. I had a major issue with the original ending of my latest published work and three months later, presto!, the solution came to me during my daily shower.

  3. Sounds like your series is all set to go now!

    1. Pretty much. It's about two years from being published but getting the titles out of the way is a major plus in my book.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.