Monday, September 9, 2024

Episode #239: The Return Of The....Picture Blog!

Back in the day, during the fertile time period of my blogging {mid-2010's}, I decided to create a picture blog. I had recently become enamored with basic point/shoot photography {aka disposable cameras}, so I decided to create a picture blog called Pictures For Smarties! It functioned quite well for a short number of years, 2010-16, before I decided to move on to other things. 

The reason for giving everyone the very abbreviated back story is two fold: one, I need to publish a blog post and two, my brain decided to take an involuntary thinking break as it applies to blogging.

In regards to the latter, we originally came up with three topics to write about. The first was another deep dive into my writing process, but after two pages in, I realized that I had covered the topic in other blog posts, so it was becoming blatantly redundant; the second topic was to riff on a previous blog post about my muse, but after writing just the title on a sheet of blank notebook paper, my muse hit me {gently} with a cat o'nine tails and stated very succinctly that this would work better as a short story. I agreed, so I wrote a sticky and put it with a folder of other potential short story ideas; the third topic was to do a "abnormal review" but I quickly shot it down the moment I wrote Abnormal Review on the paper.

The next day, while munching on breakfast, the idea of resurrecting my picture blog, at least for this week, was looking very, very feasible. I had accumulated a lot of random slice-of-life pics, and using them for an emergency blog post such as this one, made a lot of sense.

So, without further ado and after a nearly 8 year hiatus, I bring to you a fresh new post from my picture blog, and depending on the response I receive, I may add a few more to the mix in the coming weeks/months.

Pictures For Smarties!

{c} 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Let me know when you do post over there again.

    1. Absolutely. I will probably post links from here to there.


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