Monday, January 16, 2023

Episode #155: Returning With A Yap

My former office, circa 2007, I believe. About 90% of what you see now resides in my basement just outside my den. Good times, fond memories and great conversation pieces.

After almost an entire month away from blogging, I have returned to give it the old college try to see if I can squeeze a few more posts out of this old noggin of mine. Although as of late, it's been a little tougher to do.

I had a very decent Christmas this past year, insomuch that I actually received everything I had asked for and didn't ask for. I actually had to make my family think because I didn't ask for gift cards. Instead, I got a dash cam, new pricey sneakers and a head shaver that I can start using in the Spring after my annual haircut.

And like normal, a very quiet New Year's, as I do not stay up to ring in the new year. Personally, I find it to be severely overrated, so dealing with family any longer than I absolutely have to.

On the writing front, we're making very good headway. I made a promise to myself that I would stop my current project as soon as I completed the second book of my trilogy {Hot Mess}, and the deadline I gave to myself was the end of January. I have at least one book I would like to republish this year, and I haven't worked on any of the next phase since late October 2021.

So currently, my word count sits a little north of 182k+ (all handwritten), covering forty-two chapters, as well as two and a fifth of three ring binders (roughly 220 pages each). I think once I get that second book done, I'll have to do a short chapter/plot breakdown, just so I have a solid grip on all of the various plot points I'm currently working on. Because right now, I'm coming dangerously close to getting a little lost in my story, and I don't mean that in a good way.

The book I want to publish this year is a rewrite that I had worked on in 2021 for a previously published book that I was not happy with on a multitude of fronts (writing, title, cover, etc) and decided that as soon as I was retired, I would work on fixing a few things with it. This is something I'll probably cover in greater detail in the coming months.

Well, I think here is a good spot to end this post as any, and in the coming weeks, I'm hopeful to have a few more ting to talk about. Take care and have a good rest of the week.

{c} 2023 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Dash cam could be interesting. I would prefer torpedoes on my hood though. You know, for the slow drivers.
    That's a lot of words written.
    Welcome back - you were missed!

    1. I live in CT where the drivers aren't using their full brain capacity behind the wheel. Thanks, it's good to be back.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.