Monday, November 21, 2022

Episode #150: Granddad Is Chillin' Too Illin'

Sometimes, the only way to spill the creativity juices is to randomly choose, with eyes closed, a picture from one of your many blogs to use. Wish me luck.

So here we is, at the intersection of Downtown and Nowheresville USA, one gloriously sunny autumnal day. Birds are kind of plummeting {oh the humanity!} from the sky, due to the cooler weather coagulating that avian blood, making them sluggish and prone to standing around the corner snapping their feathers saying 'cool man, cool"

As you can see, we gots lots of traffic zipping around, heading for destinations surely {Feeney} more exciting to visit than Nowheresville USA. But, be that as it may, this intersection can represent where you are on the long winding country back road {perhaps US 11?}. Do we take the road heavily traveled, going north to south, or do we take the road in more heavily traveled, going west to east? Or, do we just stay stuck in the middle in a crosswalk going both ways?

Inquiring minds do want to know what your decision gonna be? Well actually, we really don't want to know, because in the end it's you doing you, and you are the one that has to live with your decision. But, do you make that decision, or do you decide to kick the Crocs down the road where it slides off into the not-so-great narrow open? Here, the only inquiring mind that wants to know is you. Only you know where you want to go and what road you need to travel in order to get there.

Which brings us back to the futon circle of laziness: Where do you want to go on your journey of life, Downtown or Nowheresville? The Highway or Byway? The Hamster Wheel or the overrated Mall of America? The choice is entirely up to you, and remember, there are always enough exits available should you ever want to change your mind for something else.

Have a fantastic Monday and the rest of your week, because only you, know what you really want to do in a given moment of time.

{c} 2022 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Days ago I had a comment here erased before publishing, as my phone does that. Here I am again.
    I recently posted some free info to hopefully help someone get out of a funky mood. Your intersection idea sounds like a metaphor for it.
    " Mary Magdelene
    I use a strategy I call "Open the door to the Right" when my mind is stuck dwelling on death. It is a meditation exercise.
    What is your favorite bright color? There are 3 doors. The one Infront is black. If you go through it, you go nowhere and see another black door. The door on the left is dull, medium grey. If you go through it, you will enter a room full of negative things you have experienced.
    On the right is a beautiful door of your favorite color ! Everything you like is in that room! Open that door and step through.
    What do see in there?
    I taught myself to do this after being treated for PTSD due to trauma. It helps the brain dwell on positive thoughts."
    Now free on Blogger for whoever may benefit. I invented it. It works.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.