Monday, September 6, 2021

Episode #97: To Be Retired Is Never Having A To-Do List

And thus, when a business is purchased by a larger corporation, it soon gets moved to another town, thus leaving the previous town with nothing but memories and lost tax dollars.

Picture is of the former home of Keeney Manufacturing. It was purchased either late last year or early this year by a conglomo who closed it and moved it to another town.

Anyways, today's post has really nothing to do with that. Found out about it a few weeks ago from our local town rag, so I want to briefly mention about a longtime institution that closed, thus taking jobs and monies elsewhere.

Today's post is about having find things to do in order to keep from being a major bag of Idahoan potatoes. I just recently finished my last writing project, with applying the edits and coming up with a more fitting title. Currently, it's sitting next to me on a chair waiting for me to reduce my c/c balance down to something a bit more manageable before moving on to the expensive required items.

In my case, since a lot of things that I WANTED TO DO are in limbo due to currently inhabitable status of the basement from this past July's mini-flooding, about the only I could do was to find yet another writing project to work on. At this point, actual originality has gone completely out the window, only to be replaced by wholesale deconstructing and rewriting previously partials/completed stories, with this particular choice being a member of the latter.

This was something that I had originally completed back in 2015 and had passed onto a former FB friend, who was a freelance writer/editor and a raging Canadian TDS sufferer (she had unfriended/blocked me because i dared to make a comparison between his royal heinie Trudeau and our President Trump). While I didn't appreciate being unfriended and blocked about a year after this editing job, I did take another read of her e-mail slicing and dicing my writing, and I found a few points that 5 1/2 years later I do agree on.

She stated that (at the time) I was overly dramatic with my writing and the plot line was extremely convoluted like a bad Hallmark movie (last part mine), in that I had the main characters doing the old cliche flower thing. There were a few other small points that I now do but didn't back then.

So I'm going way back to the drawing board with this, as in re-reading this thing from the beginning so that I can basically: figure out what the plot should be; what the character names should be; and figure out what the sub-plots should be. And this will be accomplished by me actually taking notes.

Yeah, looks like I'm going to make the transition to planner from pantster. This should be all kinds of fun for me, since I'm a terrible note taker.

Yay me.

(c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserve


  1. Have fun! Although I know that revising and editing is not everyone's idea of a good time.

    1. Yes, lots of fun times to be sure, especially when it comes to figuring out what the plot should be, as opposed to what it currently presents to me.

  2. TDS? I'm Canadian and have never heard of it. Google to the rescue. Politics can often destroy friendships, but only if you take things personally. Seems like a waste of time in this short life. Too bad you got blocked, but at least the lady had some helpful critiques. Good luck with your note-taking and re-writing.

    1. There was a lot of unchecked TDS for his entire term, starting with US Senate and the House, down to other countries. A lot of people got hurt (emotionally, financially, etc) because of the unchecked TDS. This TDS is why we got who we got in the White House.

      She actually did a commendable job on my manuscript (looking back in hindsight), so I have some really good info to work with.

  3. Well, at least you got some good suggestions. I'm so glad I'm not on Facebook though.
    Shame about the business going elsewhere.

    1. So am I. It was a long time institution and that seems to be the way of manufacturing jobs here in CT. If it isn't really related to aerospace, then towns/cities don't really try to keep them.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.