Monday, September 27, 2021

Episode #99: What Do I Say When It's All Been Said?

<---Amazing what you can find when you suddenly remember you have Google everything in your life.

I've been retired for almost a year now (November 1, 2020), and I've never realized just how hard it's been to come up with interesting snippets of my life to blog about. 

Considering how many posts I've written in the past 13+ years (about 1500 give or take), this says a lot. But ever since the man made you-know-what (no, this isn't a conspiracy but a fact of life that MSM does not want to admit), my life has become depressingly (at times) predictable.

It wasn't always like this. I actually had some worthwhile, time-consuming, soul enhancing (for me at least) projects lined up: writing, rearranging my den, moving my c.d.collection to my den from the bedroom and whatever else I could find to occupy my time. So I actually got to work on my writing at the end of 2020 (reworked a now unpublished e-book) with the goal of publishing it in 2021.

But as the new year rolled around, things began to change, so to speak. I made some tweaks to a few personal and cyber relationships. Decided to hardcore self-quarantine, and by doing that, fell into that self-sufficient/auntie social state of mind which never really went away. I did my twice daily walks, usually keeping to my end of town instead of exploring other sections (that is my intent for 2022 though); chilled on YT and FB (actually cut FB back to about twice a day for fifteen to twenty minutes a clip); ran an optional errand or two (usually banking); writing while listening to instrumental music (this was/is a very recent occurrence ever since I had to temporarily relocate to the dining room).

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

The only real change to this routine was the fact that I wasn't really doing  any "original" writing, only massive re-writes of either previously published stuff or unpublished completed manuscripts (yes, I do have P.T. Barnum's Jumbo Elephant in my basement patiently waiting for me). So far, I have one completed rewrite, including a new title that actually makes sense. That was the one that was ruined by a mini-flood in the basement that was not caused by the great outdoors, but by massive plumbing leak in the kitchen (this was determined by the basement guy that we had come to visit the other day).

The other I've been chipping away at, writing about 500 words per day, give or take, with lots of breaks for hand fatigue. So far I have roughly 8 chapters completed (have been splitting the old chapters in two to make it more digestible), which I'm very happy about, and also came up with a brand new (albeit temporary) title, which I'm also happy about.

Basically though, this is my how my current life is: very rock steady and just a little bit redundant.

So, it looks like I'm going have to retool and give serious thought about what I need to change what my posts should now be about. Wish me luck.

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. My life has been rather routine as well. I'm a homebody anyway, but lots of places I just couldn't or didn't feel comfortable visiting.

    1. Thing is, my job gave me so much cannon fodder for the past 25+ years that once I'd retired there was nothing left to draw upon. My part of town really has that rural feel in which no one is really there at any time of the day.

  2. I hate work, but my life would be tough to elaborate on without it. Doing different things adds spice to what you can write about. Characters (flaws) you would not have thought up before, for instance. Uncomfortable experiences can beget great plots!
    Just my thoughts .

    1. This is true. This is why I'm thinking about ways to shake up this blog when I'm doing my walks now. I simply have to find something to replace that particular void in my life for new material.

  3. Retirement is a huge life change and all the COVID protocols certainly aren't helping! At least you have your writing projects to keep you busy, and your walks. Exploring other areas should help to break the tedium.

    1. The walks do give me a break from the tedium. I'm looking to expand back out again, as I've gotten a particular health aspect back under good control. Haven't really done any kind of long walks for about a year now and I would really like to start doing it again.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.