Monday, May 31, 2021

Episode #89: Back When I Was Free Formin', I Was Really Free Formin';

Waaaaay back in the early days of the 21st century, my brain was a lot more soluble and malleable than it sits currently. Back then, I used to go to town on what I came to call "free form blogging". Which usually meant that I would find a (very) small tangent to riff on, then really go off all over the roadway like a drunken Mardi Gras reveler for up to a dozen paragraphs or so, before eventually coming to whatever point I was trying to make and slamming the car into park, thus launching myself through the front window at breakneck speed and faceplanting the computer screen.

I haven't seem to do much of that kind of thing lately, as life, combined with a slightly cynical outlook on the world at large today, has left me just about completely uninspired to go off on a major tangent.

So I thought for today's post, we revisit one of those epic free form blog posts from yesteryear, so that we can show people what classic G.B. was all about, much like the picture from the Indianapolis Children's Museum that was taken a few yeas prior to the original publication of the post I'm linking to.

From the Cedar's Mountain blog archives. here is Perpendicular? Not At Albuquerque.

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 24, 2021

Episode #88: Procrastination Can Often Make You Stupid

I'm a reigning prince of procrastination in my fiefdom. Although I've spend numerous hours working in this issue {about 85% success rate}, it still can raise its ugly head.

This blog post is a case in point. I normally publish on Sundays, but this weekend has been a bit....weird. Thus this post is being published on Monday.

Another case in point involves my latest book A Trilogy Of Love.

A normal rule of thumb for whenever I decide to do something productive {like writing for example}, that it should never, ever be done after the hour of 7p. To do so will often create either a monster delay in getting the task done correctly, or creating an incorrectable personal screw-up.

The monster delay part was registering the copyright to the book, which was directly due to not having all the pieces needed at the same time to accomplish the goal. Examples would include: forgetting log-in to account; not remembering the publishing date and not having the previous registration available.

The incorrectable part would using the wrong author name for the Amazon listing (clicking on the link will show you exactly what I mean), and trying to correct that error would require me to re-upload and re-do everything for the print version of the book. E-book was easily fixable, but the print was not.

All of these problematic errors were a direct result of uploading each version of the book in the evening, thus not being alert enough to smartly interpret the crystal clear questions/headings, like the author's name.

I won't say this was an expensive lesson to learn, as I was able to properly snag it for my Amazon Author's page, but this will reinforce the requirement that anything that needs to be done properly, should not be done at night.

So to end this on a high note, the print version is now available on Amazon, and I should have personal copies for sale by the first or second week of June, and the e-book is also available in the Kindle Unlimited program as well.

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Episode #87: I'm A Now Walkin', Yes I Is!

Towards home

Towards relaxation

Once upon a time, in a time continuum that was considered to be yesteryear, I was not much of an exercise geek. I really didn't do anything in the way of heavy walking and bicycling was pretty much a no-go. But in 2018, I acquired and discovered two things that radically changed my life. I acquired two smartie phones, one for play (that was the summer) and one for talk/text (that was in the winter); and I discovered podcasts.

Three platforms later, I have regular rotation of 23+, along with one to three limited run series, that I listen to a daily/weekly basis. Since I'm one of those kind of people who simply can't listen to anything (and I mean anything) audio while stationary, I decided to start walking.

Fast forward to 2021. I have walked roughly 1700+ miles and I'm currently sitting at 355 consecutive days of hitting my daily goal target (6k steps). And I'm bet you're asking yourself, what does this have to do with the pictures being shown.

To state it simply: those two pics represent two points of view that I see on almost a daily basis when I walk. What you're seeing is two viewpoints of the same road that I live next to in my hometown. The photos themselves were taken at the concrete barrier that divides the drive-able open part of the road with the closed off portion of the road (which reopens again some 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile further up).

In the summer, I'm walking in a literal canopy of trees, much like you see in the second pick. It's so quiet in the canopy that you can literally hear conversations from the front yards of the houses that are hundreds of yards away from you. Added bonus is that during a rain storm (of any kind), you're pretty much protected from about 90% of whatever is dropping down on you.

Because of my current medical maladies (which I won't rehash here for the sake of time), this street is one of the few gradual inclines that I can walk up and down w/o getting terribly winded.

In a nutshell, this is the kind of summer I'm looking forward to. A sort of brief mental health respite before I begin part time job hunting in the fall (yes, gotta supplement that pension with some extra income). Hope your upcoming week starts off with the kind of peace of mind that only a quiet mountain can give you.

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Episode #86: Now, It's Finally Here!


After a heck of a lot of trial and tribulations, my latest book is now available for pre-order, with a release date of May 14th. Currently it's available as an e-book, as the print will be released later in the month, it can also be read in the Kindle Unlimited program as well.

The blurb is as follows: 

Love anew. Love misplaced. Love taboo. Three incredible short stories that present a unique a challenging twist to those familiar themes of finding someone new, being friend-zoned and being more than besties.

Current asking price is $1.89 and can be found exclusively on Amazon.

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 3, 2021

Episode #85: Love And Marriage, The Married With Children Version

A day late but not a dollar short. Today's post is brought to you by Sunday, whose first name isn't Billy, and by Monday, which is not the color Blue.

Believe it or not, I'm not flying on air, but this year I will be celebrating my 32nd year of wedded bliss.

When I'd first got married, computers weren't really that big of phenomena that they are today, cell/smart phones did not exist, and payphone calls were still a nickel.

Now, computers are splitting time with tablets, the cell phone is now a smartie phone, and if you can find a functioning pay phone, by golly you are BMOC (no matter what your gender may be).

Today's post features yet another successful fishing expedition to the archives of Cedar's Mountain. The post of choice is a little children's not-so-innocent views on the subject of marriage. From the very last post of December 2012, here is the post entitled Kids And Marriage

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved