Sunday, March 21, 2021

Episode #79: I Feel Like Running To Deja Vu!

Way back in the pre-Covid days, when you could say practically anything and not get punished by Big Tech for it, this is what Autumn on Cedar Mountain used to look like, smell like and be like.

{long record scratch that is overly used in most t.v. shows and videos}

But, we're not here to talk about that. Instead, we are mining another olden blog post from one of my previous blogs, this time the blog known as Father Nature's Corner. This was general purpose blog #2 (5th overall) that was created back when I was well on the way to Blogger burnout and I thought that creating another general purpose blog would help with my burnout {note, it didn't}.

Anywho, the content started taking a semi-dark and cynical turn and the post that I'm featuring for my Classic Quotated hashtag is no exception.

For those who don't know the real me, I've always had a semi-tolerated/completely hate relationship with the telephone, going back to the days when I was a lad and was constantly doing the "I'm not the person you're looking for" spiel for people looking for pere Sr, and not me. And this particular post just continues that particular relationship.

This classic post features my years long hatred of Ally Financing (formerly known as GMAC Financial) in regards to my now paid off car loan. The way my finances worked in a one paycheck household was that more often that not, there were bills that I chose to be late on. This was one such bill. How I handled the phone calls associated with this loan, which happened at least 6 times a year, is the subject of our post. From Father Nature's Corner, I bring to you the October 4, 2015 blog post entitled I Are Aggressive. Enjoy!

{c} 2021 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Wow,glad I've never had to do that. Crazy phone call.

    1. Yeah, the car loan company was the only one I really got those phone calls from. Never got them from anyone else, although there were plenty of times I had to call others about a late fee and explaining myself, I usually got it dismissed. Even got an apology from a public utility for a payment that wasn't credited because they changed where the payments were being processed.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.