Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Insecure Writer's Support Group: Episode 14-Pandemic

What day is it?

Prince Spaghetti day!

No, try again.

Hump day!


IWSG day!

Yes indeedie-doodie, it's that time of the month (no dear, I do not have a headache) where the entire writing community gets together and gets mellow.

If remember my e-mail correctly, today's optional question was asking how things are going on in your world during this pandemic.

Well, for starters, I've been working at home since mid-March. Granted, it's an office job (for a guv'ment agency) but it's been incredibly difficult to do payroll from home when you don't quite have everything you need at your fingertips. And judging by the latest going-ons, it looks like i'll be spending the majority of April at home as well.

So far, the pandemic has not hit my home state (Connecticut) very hard, but the screws are slowly turning with the various quarantine measures (haven't hit a total ban yet) being implemented. The new normal at my house is pretty much a pain in the buttocks at varying degrees: daughter has been doing the online school thing since early March as her school is in lockdown mode (which means for the present she's unable to return to the campus to get the rest of her stuff; yours truly has been working at home and is definitely not feeling it; and my mother's doctor has basically decreed she should be housebound for the foreseeable future.

I still try to keep some of work routine going, mostly by taking a late lunch (.7 to .75 mile distance) walk, but other than that, I mostly stay to myself. I did move a step closer in starting up my writing again, as I started reviewing the printed version of my story, but since my den has turned into my work office, no writing is to be had, especially since I've now become very anti-computer after spending 8-9 hours each day on it. Now my evenings are spent decompressing by watching YouTube on my phone (yah, I know).

So this is the new normal for me for the foreseeable future. What's yours?

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Glad your family is all right. I know what you mean about not wanting to stare at the computer even more after being on it all day.

    1. As much as I love my new Chromebook, presently once I shut it off after my work day, it will come back only once late at night, once I've had time to decompress and recharge the batteries.

  2. Hang in there! As 'new normals' go, mine could be worse. I have friends and family who work in public safety, medicine, even retail, and well, who am I to complain? As I tend to worry about them all, I would say that's the hardest part for me. (YouTube rocks. How'd I live without it?)

    1. I have well over a dozen subscriptions for YouTube channels, plus another half dozen that I few on my home page, which is one of the few things that help keeps my sanity.

      I'm not enjoying the new normal, since now I have an even lower tolerance for some of the staff members that I cater to. Had a very good buffer at work with all three of my supervisors, but now being home alone, the brain is itching to be let loose.

  3. Everyone is facing their normal. Hang in there. Stay safe and stay positive.

  4. Glad you and yours are all staying well so far, G.B.! Hang in there!

  5. I hope you and yours are safe. :-)

    Greetings from London.

    1. So far, knock on wood. Hope you and yours is as well.

  6. I hope your area stays safe, and so do you.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.