Monday, March 11, 2024

Episode #214: The Waiting Is Always The Hardest Part

So today's post, as suggested by ye olden music video of a song that originally came out when I was still in high school, is about waiting. Specifically, waiting to publish my upcoming novella, The Mortality Of Familial Love. Last week, while I was going through the very informative {no sarcasm here} KDP process of publishing my book, I encountered a small....snag. A snag that KDP/Amazon politely pointed out to me.

In a very professional way, they stated that I had six spelling errors that needed to be fixed before I could continue with the process. Two were words that I had made up/heard elsewhere while the other was a non-capitalized version of the word, so those were easily fixable by me choosing the "ignore" option.

The others I had to contact my lovely formatter, Go Published, and asked if they could correct the errors that somehow slipped by me at least six times {seriously, I used spell check that many times}. She said that it wouldn't be a problem, sent me the correction form, told me how much it would cost, which in this case it fell under under 5 errors {thus no out of pocket cost for me} and afterwards, told me that I should have all of the corrected files some time next {this} week.

So, here we stand, patiently waiting for my manuscripts to be fixed so I can continue with my uploading. In the meantime, I started working on the final chapter of book #3 of my Hot Mess series, and I'm happy to say that as of the day of this post, I have finished book #3, and even written a very short bullet point of what characters aren't going forward.

Also, I would like to mention that KDP/Amazon is now asking authors who use their platform how much, if any, AI was involved with the creation of your book. It looks like they're simply tracking, but considering they're now limiting people to uploading three books per day (or per week, I'm not exactly sure), perhaps this is part of that crackdown as well.

Oh and, for those who also use Smashwords as a platform, they started migrating everyone to Draft2Digital. They're moving all of the easy ones and leaving the complicated ones, like myself, for later.

A very happy Monday to all and I hope to have good news by this time next week.

{c} 2024 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. Amazon finds spelling errors? Can you imagine books like mine with dozens upon dozens of alien names?

    1. I know, it's such a shocker. I can only imagine the amount of aggravation that the publisher had to go through pressing the "ignore button" on all of the alien names that were populating your books.

      Still, it's a nice double check system to have, even when it causes undue aggravation.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.