Monday, July 10, 2023

Episode #180: I Gots The Music In Me Still

A flashback pic to give you the warm fuzzies, which fits perfectly with the link in this post, which is also a flashback to when I was slightly popular in the blog world.

I went tripping through my Cedar's Mountain blog archives, because why not, trying to come up with a suitable topic that, a} haven't worked to death and b} a topic that I actually like.

So, I found an old link to a favorite topic that meets my two basic requirements: minimal linkage and what links are there, actually work. So the blog post in question, from October 2010 (yes, I've been blogging for that long), meets those two basic requirements.

The topic in question is music. Now granted, I have not listened to a boatload of music this year for a few legitimate reasons: a} when I do drive, I'm usually listening to a podcast; b} when I'm walking I'm usually listening to a podcast or c} swap out podcast and substitute MLB (I pay for the audio portion of the app, so I'm gonna get my money's wroth). So that basically leaves transcribing on the computer.

And even then, I'm kind of limited with my choices, in that the one piece record player is broken (plug connection needs to be fixed) so...NO VINYL FOR ME!, which leaves my c.d. player (lots of c.d.'s) and YouTube. Now, I know you're speaking to the screen and saying, "wait, wut?!", but hear me out.

Just like the link to the blog post below, I also have a hankerin' for acoustic string instruments. In this particular case, it's classical guitar and RPG influenced fantasy music. This is basically an offshoot of the classical music that I had written about a few years ago when I was doing some hardcore editing/writing in the dining room, where I had relocated my den to after the basement flood. At that time I think I listened to about 50+ hours of all kinds of instrumentals, including all kinds of classical, folk and movie soundtracks.

So as I've gotten older, my musical palette has expanded to include some genres that the average person would go, "ewww." if they were exposed to it. But for me, when it comes to writing on my computer, it works for me. So without further hubris, please check out this post from my blog archives that touches upon this very topic, and see just how my musical tastes have evolved over the past thirteen years.

From the Cedar's Mountain blog archives dated October 25, 2010, called "What I Am Is What I Like"

{c} 2023 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. I can listen to rock instrumental, but the softer stuff doesn't do it for me. Still a headbanger at heart.

    1. I think I've come full circle. Used to have no use for the soft stuff growing up, and now it becomes my default when I'm transcribing on the computer. Otherwise, it's whatever happens to tickle my fancy at a given moment.

  2. I almost always listen to oldies radio. Cds are in storage. Vinyl in storage. Instruments in storage except 1 guitar, 1 violin. Don't listen much at all anymore, just day off errands. I can't write to music, it ovcupies the thoughts in my brain!
    Some swear their muse to the tunes, but not me. I count along and memorize what I can...
    Ev Johns/ SnaggleTooth

    1. I have all of my music with me, but haven't presently been able to listen to the vinyl. I do still listen to the radio from time to time and it helps break the monotony of the evening.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.