While I was desperately trying to think of something to blog about, because again, I was more preoccupied with the real world than the digital world this weekend {spent a lovely Saturday evening with the 22 year old daughter, going to dinner, visiting her BF, doing Cabela's and talking politics}, when it suddenly dawned on me that my blog anniversary had casually strolled by without so much as a second glance my way.
On May 28, 2008, I officially started blogging at the founding blog that begat six more blogs {not counting the disaster at Tumblr}, Cedar's Mountain. I won't bore you with the excruciating minutia of the past 15 years, but I will state that not only did I subsequently create a total of seven blogs, but also created 1,850 blog posts. Yes, you read that correctly. The yearly output started at 208 posts, which was roughly three posts per week on average, which then dropped to a peak of 153 then to 104 posts at my second mainline blog, Father Nature's Corner, which then subsequently dropped to roughly 52 per year, which is what my third mainline blog, the one you're currently perusing.
Now, lest you think that the overall total is composed of all three mainline blogs, I beg to differ. I also created a book blog, a picture blog, a 21+ blog (no, naughty pics, just adult oriented blog posts that required me to put in one of those "are you over 18" pages) that contains the best header quote you've ever read:
"Where patience is a sin, bad language is the norm, and having a bald moment is a thing of beauty."
And a now defunct/closed short story blog, in which a few good writer friends of mine earnestly warned me about publishing some of my original work on, which I eventually took their advice on.
Thinking about my blogging life, I come to the stark realization that I have outlived the original toxic chat room forum that ultimately pushed me to start blogging in the first place. I have also outlived, or rather, outlasted roughly 96% of the other bloggers that used to grace my blog(s) with their presence in the past 15 years or so.
Originally I started blogging to share work stories and to practice/polish up my writing skills, as well as field comments/critiques of my writing up until the first year or so of being over-lorded by a mad power hungry political party that had no qualms in not following the rules they set forth for us peons.
I still enjoy blogging, and being the odd elder chameleon that I am, have zipped around the proverbial archives of my memories to create (mostly) original content, which in turn has allowed me to often take the path less traveled by smarter folks. And that's okay. Creativity is action almost always stems from a desire to be occupied in doing something with our time on this planet besides just existing.
And with that being said, I end this post with a brief writing update of sorts. I have put away the story that I had rewrote in the first person because to be quite frank, it was a major cluster of a very naughty word that nowadays you can say on television and people would go, "oh?", before yawning. I then took out another story that I had re-written with the intended goal of publishing it sometime this year.
As with my current mega project {aka The Hot Mess} I'm slowly coming around to the probability of having to put a small trigger warming on the book when the time comes to publish, simply because it contains themes that, realistically, a segment of the reading public would find offensive, even though none of it is gratuitous in its application. Having said that, I am now up to creating chapters 58 & 59 and I'm getting ready to implement a fourth three ring binder for this bad boy. Yay me.
As this is the beginning of the week for the majority of my readers, I wish you a relatively quite Monday in your part of the world, and remember, 1984 is actually being performed in some of the countries that we consider to be "progressive".
{c} 2023 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved