Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Episode #54: Summer Hiatus

Good afternoon and welcome to the skewered literary world of G.B. Miller, where fact is fiction and fiction is a thinly veiled interpretation of reality.

Today is July 1, 2020. Which is also a Wednesday, which means it's time for our monthly participation in the IWSG blog hop. Sadly there is no real writing progress to talk about.

Instead, we will talk about our continued lack of writing and motivation.

2020 has been a very serious bust for me. Between issues with family and work (COVID19 among other things), there has been a complete lack of motivation to write, whether it's regular writing or blog writing.

So after some very careful consideration, I've decided to take the 2nd most drastic step when it comes to blogging: going on hiatus.

I've decided to take the rest of the summer from blogging. Hopefully, once September rolls around, I'll be in a better mood (and hopefully the rest of the U.S. will be in a better place with the pandemic under reasonable control) to do some blogging. Not sure about the writing thing, as we're taking that step-by-painful-step.

Truth be told, I'm thinking that once the weather starts to turn come September, I'll be better motivated to write, because presently, staying indoors on the weekend (or even when it's not work related), is really not conducive to my mental health and well being.

I'll still be tripping around visiting a few bloggers hither and yither, since I really need something to read in the mornings, as well as tidying up my remaining active blogs, but for the most part, I'm taking a much needed mental break from blogging.

Have a fantastic week!

{c} 2020 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. I certainly understand. I'll keep you on the list for September. The first Wednesday in August will likely be my only post that month.

    1. Thanks. I really appreciate it. I've tried to be consistent with that particular monthly blog post so it does pain me to not participate.

  2. Blogging can definitely put a strain on writing. It did for me once.

    Not to promote myself in a comment on your post (sorry), but I have a book coming out this month that I talk about in my IWSG post that may help you.

    Take care!

  3. Happy summer and enjoy your blogging break. I think that's a wise decision and will help create more time and inspiration for other writing. It would certainly help me! :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      Yeah, this is a move of last resort, so to speak. I really do want to continue with my blogging (going on about 11+ years or so) but I am so burnt out (and them so) right now it's not even funny. So I'm hoping that this break will do me some good.

  4. May your Blog hiatus restore you so that Writing will be a Joy again. I've found that Blogging during Pandemic Lock Down Extended Stay has actually been beneficial to my overall Sanity and Mood regulation during this trying time of the Country being FUBAR. I've been trawling for Blog Fodder to read to alleviate Pandemic Boredom, glad to have discovered yours and delved into the Archived Posts. Stay Safe and Be Well.

    1. Too much garbage (evenly divided between work and family) going on for me to do any kind of writing or blogging these days. Funnily enough, the pandemic hasn't really been a major contributing factor to my overall malaise. It's something that's there, like a new type of white noise. It's not going to go away any time soon, and as long as histrionics continue to drown out any snippet of common sense, I'm going to continue to treat it as white noise.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.