This is what I would imagine myself to be after spending a day trying to understand why myself decided to usurp myself.
I am a typical guy when it comes to my health, in that it does not matter what happens to us, we do our best interpretation of the Black Knight before continuing on with our day.
Unless we get a cold, then we don't act like a typical guy. Instead, we simply brush it off and continue with our day in good old Black Knight fashion. But sometimes, every once in a while, things go a tiny bit sideways. When that happens, our second brain kicks in and takes over.
Think I'm kidding? Well, here's the deal: we all have a Big Brain* that we use to govern every part of our existence. Living, breathing, eating, relaxing, etc. etc. etc. It's used extensively and for the most part, what we say goes. But there are times when our body finally says, "ENOUGH!", and decides to do something about decision making process.
This is where the Not-So-Big-Brain comes into play. "How?", you may ask. Well, it's pretty simple really. Because I'm always a good malleable subject when it comes to exploring certain harebrained theories, we'll use me, because, unlike others in the world today, I don't suffer from phantom maladies, but I do suffer from a good sense of humor.
Now, everyone's Not-So-Big-Brain is located deep inside their Big Brain, and is only accessible by the Body, and no one else. Not you or I, nor the Big Brain, just the Body. So, getting back to me.
Like I stated earlier, I'm one of those guys who can be quite stubborn about their health, and this past week was no exception. In spite of the increasing pain in my lower extremity, I did my normal walking and ran my normal errands, and ignored all of the warning signs that my body was telling me. Well, my body finally said, "ENOUGH!", whipped out the Not-So-Big-Brain, and took over.
They decided that I should be punished for my ignorance by increasing the pain in my lower extremity to the point where I actually had to go to see my doctor before my scheduled appointment to have it taken care of. The immediate aftermath of this was that I am not allowed to do any long distance walking for at least a couple of weeks.
If you think that's no big deal, think again. I am one of those people who simply cannot sit on my buttocks whenever I want to listen to any kind of audio medium (e.g. podcasts, c.d., radio, sports, YT). I actually have to be doing SOMETHING. Doesn't matter what that something is, I need to do it if I want to have a fulfilling audio life.
So, not being able to get my 3+ miles of daily walking in while methodically listening to 27+ podcast feeds/5+ YouTube channels that specialize in pop culture content, bothers me to no end. Makes my body happier than a foodie creating sugary masterpieces in the kitchen, knowing that they're in the driver's seat because the weather has just started to turn for the better here in Connecticut, and that makes them cackle with glee.
And there really isn't thing one I can do about, because we all know that when our body wants to do something proper, like healing from an illness, and we don't, it's going to make damn sure that we suffer the consequences of our own blithering idiocy.
So my friends, always remember that if you and your Big Brain don't listen to your body from time to time, your body is gonna whip out that Not-So-Big-Brain and make you suffer the consequences of not paying attention. Just like me.**
*: "Big Brain" is a phrase that well known YouTuber Simon Whistler, who hosts almost one dozen channels and at least three that double as podcasts, is very fond of using, mostly as a gentle insult to himself and others.
**: I had developed a nasty foot ailment that I'd ignored for the past three months until the pain got to be unbearable. End result, ailment fixed but now forbidden from hardcore walking for at least two weeks. So now I'm substituting crosswords puzzles during the same two time frames for walking, in order not to fall too far behind with my podcasts subscriptions.