Monday, April 17, 2023

Episode #168: Where Am I Today?

I kind of feel like that bird in the birdbath right now. Happy that I'm king of all I survey, but sad that I'm king of all I survey.

This has been one of those take two steps forward, but three steps sideways and one giant leap backwards kind of weeks. I was able to accomplish something, while at the same time not accomplish anything.

The something: I finished my rewrite of a previously published novella, which added another 2k words to the count, confirmed with my daughter that she was still willing to do a beta read/critique of said story, and passed it on to her (remember kids, familial bribery will take you far in life, which in this case is an Andrew Jackson and a free book).

The anything: not writing a blog post ahead of time (yeah....epic fail there) nor making any kind of headway in writing a new blurb. Writing a new blurb is something I really need to get completed because I'm starting to get that familiar itch and return to writing part three of my Hot Mess trilogy.

Procrastination is a brutal thing to have as part of your daily routine, especially since there are a few other things that I've been procrastinating on as well, which in this case is car insurance and searching for a new doctor. 

So....yeah, I'm doing the daily life version of "fish or cut bait?", which really isn't a very good thing to do these days. So, since I don't like ending things on a downer note, let's end this post on an upbeat note. Enjoy!

{c} 2023 by G.B. Miller. All Rights Reserved


  1. I am always choosing between doing errands and eating/ resting. I would much rather a field trip than clean my room stuff too. Well, at least I got the available bargains I could, but lament Aldi's ran out of grapefruit, so had to spend 2 bux each at the other place, and have to have them. Need for bp. Little bottle of grapefruit fruit juice went up to 10 bux, or would get that.
    Then I am wasting an hour after missing bus by a minute.
    Prob will just rest when finally get back...
    Ev/ SnaggleTooth

    1. I feel your pain. I still have things I'm procrastinating on that I shouldn't be, since they're very time sensitive. But it is what it is.

  2. I can relate. Sounds like my life story at times.


    1. I hit large pockets of this whenever I have a week, or in the case a month, that wants to pull me in eight different directions at the same time.


Lay it on me, because unlike others, I can handle it.